Voodoo Lab Power Pedal Supply 2 Plus (2025 Review)

The Voodoo Lab Power Pedal Supply 2 Plus, is an eight output power supply pedal for guitar pedalboards. It is designed to give guitar players with a lot of pedals on their board the necessary power to keep things alive when on stage or in the practice room.

It has Isolated outputs, short-circuit protection, and a toroidal transformer to cut down on excess noise. It weighs 2lbs and measures 3.4/6/1.75". It may be the solution to providing large pedalboards with the reliable power they need.


Eight outputs
1100mA maximum output current
11 cables included
Circuit protection
Isolated outputs
120V input
Toroidal transformer

Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2

Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus 8 Output Isolated Guitar Pedal Power Supply

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The Voodoo Lab 2 Plus pedal power supply offers a ton of power options for guitar players. Many guitarists have multiple pedals on the go at the same time. All of these pedals need to have sufficient power to keep them flowing while in use. Most pedals are multi-powered using either a 9V battery or an AC connector.

Batteries work well when they have a sufficient charge, but lose their juice and strength shortly after being engaged. AC power supplies offer a consistent and reliable amount of power to the pedals, so the signal doesn't fizzle out. The 2 Plus power supply by Voodoo Lab is a way to send the necessary power to the pedals.

It comes with eight outputs to plug your pedals into. This means that you can have up to 8 different pedals plugged into the power supply simultaneously. It cuts down on the need for extra power bars and extension cords on a crowded stage.

Each output is isolated from the rest. This means that the current sent by the outputs will not bleed or overlap with the others. They work individually from each other.

With short circuit protection, you don't need to worry about your pedals having a minor blow up that could render them useless in the event of a short in the building's breaker.

Another excellent feature is the toroidal transformer. Some pedals emit a hum or buzzing noise that bleeds into the speaker and causes a ruckus. The toroidal transformer works to curb this buzz and leaves your signal working cleanly and quietly, allowing the sound you want to come through.

It is small and compact, cutting down on the need for extra cables and wires. It weighs 2lbs and is just under 6/2". It should fit easily into your gig bag, or right into your pedalboard bag so you can take it to and from gigs easily with you.

It is made of strong and durable materials, which will ensure that it will last tour after tour.

The 2 Plus Power Supply comes with a variety of necessary cables to fit your pedals. It has six right angles AC power adapters as well as two straight barreled adapters. It also comes with specialized adaptors for Line 6 pedals, MXR or Electro Harmonix controllers, and a battery snap for pedals with no AC connector.

The Voodoo Lab 2 Plus will help eliminate the need to buy 9V batteries for your pedals continually and will give sufficient power consistently. It is reasonably priced and can be used for other low-powered devices that are not guitar related if necessary. It is a pretty handy little accessory that many guitar players could find useful.


+ 8 outputs
+ Circuit protection
+ Isolated circuits
+ Durable construction
+ Toroidal transformer


- Not an absolute necessity
- Only one battery snap

Why We Like It

The Voodoo Lab 2 Plus power supply may be what the pedalboard focused guitar player is looking for. It is convenient and intuitive and helps to eliminate extra cords and cables that you might otherwise need to employ. It is quite lightweight and compact, making it easy to take this little gadget anywhere with you.

With eight isolated power outputs, you can pedal just that many pedals from one station instead of needing to send power from various sources. Many venues and practice rooms only have so many outlets to plug into. The 2 Plus helps give you the energy you need, no matter where you find yourself.

It is protective of short circuits, which will also protect your pedals in the event of a short on the breaker. Also, the toroidal transformer will help reduce the amount of buzz or humming noise some pedals expose the sound to.

If you're tired of buying new batteries all the time for your pedals, or even worse, you batteries dying when you need your pedal the most, then the 2 Plus may be the next purchase you need to make. No longer worry about losing your signal halfway through a gig and get the sufficient power you need.

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