
Fender Champion 100

Fender Champion 100 Review

The Fender Champion 100 guitar amp is an excellent pick for anyone who wants a reliable, versatile, and well-modeled amp. It comes with a lot of different settings, effects, capabilities, and power. It is a great amp for beginners and ...
Fender 65 Twin Reverb

Fender 65 85-Watt Twin Reverb Tube Combo Amp Review

The '65 Twin Rev Combo Amp from Fender is a modern-day homage to one of the most beloved vintage amplifiers of all-time. The Black Face Twin Reverb tube amplifier was the only amp to seek if you wanted powerful pure ...
Best Acoustic Guitar Amps

The Top Acoustic Guitar Amp for Busking & Gigging in 2025

While we all may associate amps with electric guitars, acoustic guitars can benefit from using amps too. If you're a gigging musician who plays an acoustic, you may want to consider adding an amplifier to your setup. We've cultivated a ...
Fender Champion 20 Amp

Fender Champion 20 Review

Fender Musical Instruments makes a wide variety of guitars and basses. The company is also known for its guitar amplifiers. They have many different models to choose from. In this review, we look at the Fender Champion 20. Fender Champion ...
Roland JC-20

Roland JC-120 Jazz Chorus Stereo Combo Amp Review

The Roland JC-120 Jazz Chorus Stereo Combo amp is a classic, acclaimed stereo amplifier with one of the best sounding chorus effects in the world. It is a 2x60 watt amp with dual 12" speakers, each with a 60-watt amplifier ...
Best Keyboard Amplifier

Best Keyboard Amplifier Reviews of 2025

Whether you play keys in a band or you're a soloist, having the best keyboard amplifier is extremely important for live performances. If you've never bought this type of loudspeaker before, though, it can be difficult to know what one ...
Fender Blues Deluxe

Fender Blues Deluxe Review

For those that want to play classic rock or blues-style music, a Fender amplifier is a great choice. The Fender Blues Deluxe is an excellent amplifier for this purpose. This amp gives you a warm bluesy tone that you're going ...
Marshall Code 50 Amp

Marshall Code 50 Digital Combo Amp Review

The Marshall Code 50 Digital Combo Amp is a technological mammoth of a guitar amp. It's packed with amp models and effects for any style of music and guitar player. It's a relatively compact 50-watt amplifier, suitable for gigs, studio ...

The Top Microphone Pre Amp For Vocals

Whether you are a musician or a sound engineer, behind the mixing desk or in the booth, finding the best Microphone Preamp is essential for a clean and professional sound. You can have the most advanced microphone in the world ...
mini Amp on a plastic cup

7 Best Mini Amps in 2025

If you’re searching for the best mini guitar amp, then you’re either looking for a micro version of a guitar amplifier, or you are looking for a miniature amplifier that can be used for your hi-fi system or for boosting ...
Fender Super Champ X2 Amp

Fender X2 15-watt Tube Combo Amp

The Fender Super Champ X2 is a 15-watt all-tube guitar combo amplifier. It has two channels with 16 different voice settings for various amp tones, ranging from classic Tweed to modern metal. It also has 14 effects to choose from, ...

Top 10 Best Solid State Amps

Despite their rocky history solid state amplifiers and solid-state combo amplifiers are becoming increasingly popular, shaking the bad reps they once earned for themselves in the past. Solid state amps are without a doubt a far superior technology. Until recently, ...
Man sitting on the Amp

9 Best Tube Amps Under $1000 in 2025

When you shop online for a tube amp you will often find you come across many modeling amps which are masquerading as an actual analog amp, sadly this is not the case and though we have included a couple of ...
Yamaha Thr10

Yamaha THR10 Modeling Combo Amp Review

The Yamaha THR10 2 is a 20-watt modeling amplifier which is suitable for electric, acoustic, and bass guitars. It has a ton of features and effects that make it a one-stop-shop for guitar players. It is compact and portable, with ...

Top 10 Best Modeling Amps

If you are looking for a range of classic amplifier sounds, without investing heavily in a tonne of classic amps, then without a doubt you are going to want to source a great modeling amp. Likewise if you are a ...
Marshall Amp

The Best Heads for a Marshall Half Stack

If you're looking for a new decent command center to build yourself a half stack then cash can be an issue, but, we've gathered the best heads for a Marshall half stack setup to show you exactly what's available. As ...
Marshall Dsl40Cr 40 Watt

Marshall DSL40CR 40-Watt Tube Combo Review

The Marshall DSL40CR is a fully tube-powered amp with a 12-inch speaker, 2-channels, 40-watts of power, resonance, and presence control. It has a classic 1960s style cabinet and gold paneling on the front, just like any vintage Marshall amp. It ...
Tube Amp

10 Best Tube Amps of 2025

Tube amplifiers are undeniably the more popular choice when it comes to picking an amplifier for professional live performance. They provide a richer, deeper tone with real depth and an incomparable clean sound in relation to a solid state amp, ...
Person playing guitar with amp

7 Best Bass Amp Combos in 2025

When it comes to easy-access, you probably ought to opt for a combo. If that's the case, then you are in luck because we've found some hot candidates that could be considered the best bass amps on the block. A ...
Marshall Jcm800

Marshall JCM800 2203X 100-Watt Tube Head Review

The Marshall JCM800 2202X is the head that spawned the birth of hard rock. It boasts incredible tone and power that can be heard all the way from the cheap seats in the back. The JCM800 is a simple, on-channel ...
Small Tube Amp

5 Best Small Tube Amps in 2025

Today we are taking a look at the 5 best small tube amps in 2024 to get a good look at the best compact options out there. Many of us need a smaller practice amp or something with less volume ...

10 Best Bass Amps in 2025

Before you shell out on a new practice amplifier online, you might find today's article a good read, we have flung together a comparative review of some of the best-sellers to find a front-runner for the best bass amp title ...
Orange Micro Terror

Orange Micro Terror Amplifier Head Review

If you want to get the best out of your amplifier you are going to need to get yourself a great amp head. The problem with the majority is the more they have to offer the more money you are ...
Car audio setup center amplifier

10 Best Car Amplifiers in 2025

We recently reviewed some of the best car speakers on the market, but what kind of music critics would we be if we didn't give you a good look at the top 10 best car amplifiers to power your new ...
Yellowish Amp on the floor

4 Best Low Watt Tube Amps in 2025

For a long time, guitarists shared a widespread belief that high-watt amps for guitars were paramount in creating a loud enough live sound with a soul pleasing tone. This is mostly because we grew up watching our favorite bands play ...