Disco balls have been the life of a party for decades. Whether you’re looking to invite some friends over for an exciting night or have a blast during a wedding, getting a disco ball can completely change the atmosphere. Made ...
If you've never recorded your voice before, it can be an easy mistake to think that all you need to do is to hit record and start speaking into a microphone. After all, the in-built microphones on so many computers ...
Finding the best USB mic for your needs can be a bit of a challenge. To make things easier for you, the Music Critic team has tested out the top microphones and reviewed them for your convenience. Due to the ...
In this article, we're honing in on the 5 best USB mics under $50. This is for those of you shopping on a lower budget, who'd still like the ability to record with something that's good quality. Despite $50 being ...
This guide will show you the top 10 ASMR microphones available, each with its own unique features and benefits, carefully curated to cater to every ASMR artist's needs. Here at Music Critic, we'll offer you a detailed comparison of each ...
Imagine curating the ultimate Spotify playlist, perfect for every mood and season. Whether you've handpicked every song for that evening chill-out session or created a power-packed workout list, it’s a great feeling. Now, wouldn't it be even more gratifying if ...
We are taking a gander at ten of the best trombones available online, for those of you who have mastered your craft and those starting. We have tried to strike a good balance between the two and have provided a ...
The guitar effects pedal provides guitarists with edge, but the “Multi Effects Pedal” has revolutionized the game. We are here to help you find the best multi effects pedal for you. Different controls, modes, effects and all the advanced features ...
How to decide what makes for the best Analog Delay guitar pedal is a subject everyone seems to have an opinion on. This is hardly surprising with it being an overtly popular effect ever since it's appearance in the late ...
The Eventide H9 Harmonizer Multi-effects pedal is a powerful tool that guitar players can use to replace their existing pedalboards. It comes with ver 99 time-based effects presets, all of the standard effects you need, and a simple user-interface that ...
If you're looking to set up or add to a home theater system or sound system and you're seriously committed, please read on. Sometimes in-wall speakers are the only way to go, so today, we're busting out the top 10 ...
If you love nothing more than a booming bassline to nod your head to, then you've come to the right place, as we're going to be looking at the ten best bass speakers in 2024. Each of the products on ...
In our usual style, we are battening down the hatches, blasting up the volume to bring you a concise and unbiased comparative review of the 10 best Bluetooth speakers on the market. We have sifted through the several-hundred available and ...
Nothing beats the convenience of a laptop. Being able to take your laptop to a cafe or restaurant, or bringing your laptop on vacation, has revolutionized how we work and play. However, a major drawback to the compact design of ...
The best 12-string guitar is just a click away! These instruments have churned out some of the great tunes over the years. Ranging from David Bowie's Space Oddity to James Butler's Ocean all these songs have shown how a 12-string ...
If you're looking for the very best classical guitar under 500 dollars then you'll be well aware of how beautiful this instrument is, both in terms of looks and sound. You'll also know that it's possible to purchase a high-quality ...
Choosing the right cheap electric guitar is essential for your musical journey. This guide explores budget-friendly options, from the Squier Classic Vibe to other affordable guitars, to suit various needs and preferences. By the end of this article, you will ...
Choosing your first guitar can be difficult, on one hand, you want a guitar that is not too expensive, and on the other, you want one with quality that will make you fall in love during the learning experience. As ...
If you fancy taking your guitar on an all-inclusive trip but can't justify the sky-high prices of industry-level flight cases, then you're in luck. Today, we're rifling through all the best guitar cases available on Amazon to determine the seven ...
Fender is a coveted name in the guitar and music industry. The company has pioneered every genre from rock and roll to pop for decades now. As a budding bass guitarist yourself, whether you play just because you enjoy making ...
Let’s first talk about what closed back headphones are before we review our list of the best closed back headphones on the market. Closed back headphones are easily identified by the physical structure of the closed outer ear cup and ...
In this article we are going to get a good look at the 10 best headphones for working out in 2024. You might be surprised to know there are a large number of products on the market which specifically cater ...
If you’re the sort of music fan who can’t live without listening to your favorite tunes, whether you’re out jogging or on your way to work, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we're going to be ...
If you're a gamer, you know how important the best sound quality is when you're in the middle of a game. You want to feel the shotgun and grenade blasts, and to hear the intricacies of your opponents and companions ...
When we buy our technology, are we not always testing the sound, to see if we like the quality? With that said, I know that many of you are on a hunt for the most perfect, over-ear headphones, to make ...