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Best Laptops For DJing - Comparison Test 4

Compare the Lenovo Yoga Book to the Dell Nvidia GeForce GTX

Trying to decide between two models? Find out what separates these two items with the full comparison review below. You might also be interested in our article 10 Best DJ Laptops To Buy in 2024

 Lenovo Yoga BookContestant number one is the Lenovo Yoga Book.

 Dell Nvidia GeForce GTXAnd now we will have a look at our second product, the Dell Nvidia GeForce GTX.

A closer look at the Lenovo Yoga Book

With so many Android operating systems advancing we re starting to see some admirable DJing software apps which are a great stepping stone into the industry and a much cheaper more viable option for some.

But what about the Dell Nvidia GeForce GTX

This next model is one that Dell officially market as a gaming laptop. If you like some of the modern aspects of the Dells we have so far taken a peek at but aren't sold on their touchscreen abilities that inevitably come with a higher retail price then this might be a good option for you.


Lenovo Yoga Book

Dell Nvidia GeForce GTX


+ Android option.
+ Small footprint.
+ Competitively priced.

+ 256GB SSD storage.
+ Great I/O options.
+ Great audio.
+ Decent battery life.


Whilst it doesn't make for the most ideal option we have included this to highlight the best of the Android OS options, if that is the way you venture.

It has a much more affordable price tag in comparison to its flashier touchscreen counterparts. We also love the audio quality and think the build is the most durable of the bunch so far.

Want to find out more?

Check out Music Critic's in-depth article 10 Best DJ Laptops To Buy in 2024 which includes even more information.

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