
1-v-1 Product Comparison - the Jim Dunlop MC401 MXR vs the Joyo Audio Roll

In today's comparison we invite you to see how the Jim Dunlop MC401 MXR stacks up against the Joyo Audio Roll. There is a lot more to this sort of decision than price, so we see if we can help you decide which is best for your needs. If you would like to see more product comparisons and reviews in this category, click here.

 Jim Dunlop MC401 MXREveryone has different preferences, and we hope our frank reviews will make your decision easier. First, we will take a look at the Jim Dunlop MC401 MXR. First up is the MXR MC401. With a true bypass and one goal in mind, this boost pedal is for those who need more boost without any coloration whatsoever. With boost adjustable between 0 and +20 dB, there is a decent amount of variance available, but otherwise, this is a no-frills option that really delivers.

 Joyo Audio RollNext let's have a look at the Joyo Audio Roll. The Joyo Roll Boost is one very interesting little pedal. The boost knob label is expressed only as gain on the front, which somewhat hides the fact that it’s capable of giving you a +35 dB increase. That’s some serious power, which means that whether you use this as part of your effects setup, or just to boost the signal into the amp, you’re going to notice. It works well, adding some extra sparkle at the top end, but it does feel like there’s a little bit of a tonal change. Certainly not bad for the price, which is why the Roll Boost deserves to be on this list.

Let's take a closer look at the Jim Dunlop MC401 MXR

One knob and one switch is exactly what you need if you’re looking for a swift injection of boost, and it’s exactly what you get. Premium hardware inside the chassis also ensures that you won’t suffer any signal interference whatsoever, which is ideal if you don’t want any change to your tone - only boost. Looking for Flanger pedals? Find them here.

A closer look at the Joyo Audio Roll

Design-wise, this is a pretty shallow little unit, but it’s a good looking thing, and it should neatly fit into most boards with ease. Bright yellow might not be to everyone’s tastes, but it fits nicely with the funky aesthetic and rounded edges. Build quality isn’t as high as some of the boxes on this list, but it’s still very competitive at what is an extremely attractive price point.


Jim Dunlop MC401 MXR

Joyo Audio Roll


+ Strong, clean boost with no coloration
+ Really well built for gigging dependability
+ True bypass to prevent contamination when switched off

+ Huge +35 dB of boost potential
+ Funky design
+ True bypass


There’s nothing too fancy about this pedal, with just a level knob present, but if you need straightforward, reliable boost in a great chassis, then it’s hard to look past this as one of the very best & most popular boost pedal options on the market. Throw it before or after your effects chain and it’s going to work wonders.

A great price, and interesting look, and a huge potential decibel increase combine to make the Joyo Roll Boost a hugely attractive proposition. The brand might not be that well known, and the yellow paint job is severe, but for this price, you really can’t go wrong. Give it a try and see just how much difference a +35 dB boost makes to your sound.

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You might also be interested in Music Critic's in-depth article on this topic, Top 10 Rated Clean Boost Pedals for Guitar Solos in 2024.

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