
1-v-1 Product Comparison - the L.R. Baggs ANTHEM-SL vs the Kmise SH-85

In this comparison we put the L.R. Baggs ANTHEM-SL and Kmise SH-85 head to head in a battle to find out which wins the specifications war. Our tests and reviews can help point you towards models and brands that suit your needs. If you find this article interesting, you might also want to read The 10 Best Acoustic Guitar Pickups in 2024

 L.R. Baggs ANTHEM-SLEveryone has different preferences and priorities, so to make choosing easier we have attempted to give a frank review of the products. Let's start with the L.R. Baggs ANTHEM-SL.

 Kmise SH-85Next let's have a look at the Kmise SH-85. This is a great soundhole option from Belcat, which is a relatively new brand that has only been around since 1988. With its innovative design team, Belcat devotes itself to building its brand and providing high-quality products for a low price. It doesn't just manufacture excellent pickups. You can also get superb pedals and amplifiers from Belcat too.

Reasons to buy the Kmise SH-85

For a budget-priced product, this acoustic pickup does exactly what you want it to do. It doesn't provide enough quality or volume to fill a stadium. But if you just want to amplify your acoustic for rehearsals or practicing at home, then it's a solid choice. It could also be used for busking. This product can fit easily inside a standard soundhole. Overall, it's a safe, budget choice.



Kmise SH-85


+ Transducer mic blend.
+ Active pickup.
+ Easy to adjust.

+ Perfect for amateurs.
+ Easy to install.
+ End-pin mount jack.
+ Shock absorbing foam on the brackets.


It's a high-grade pickup that features cutting-edge technology and a long-life battery. The sound it offers has to be heard to be believed. It's the best choice for anyone wanting natural, unadulterated sound.

It is a quality, no fuss, soundhole mounted pickup that delivers a great sound. It is surprisingly effective for a cheap option.

The Bottom Line

You may also be interested in our article The 10 Best Acoustic Guitar Pickups in 2024.

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