
Side-by-side comparison of the Jupiter JTR700 and the Mendini MTT-30CN

Today's product comparison has Music Critic comparing the Jupiter JTR700 to the Mendini MTT-30CN. Not sure which is right for you? Read on and find the perfect item for your needs. If you would like to see more product comparisons from the same category, click here.

 Jupiter JTR700Everyone has different preferences and priorities, so to make choosing easier we have attempted to give a frank review of the products. Let's start with the Jupiter JTR700.

 Mendini MTT-30CNThe second product we will be examining in this comparison is the Mendini MTT-30CN. If you are a fan of gold, silver, and rose brass, this is the trumpet for you. It looks great and is a good instrument for intermediate players.

Reasons to buy the Mendini MTT-30CN

A case, pocketbook, chromatic tuner, valve oil, a polishing cloth, a stand, and a pair of white gloves are included. The trumpet stand is foldable and can be stored inside the bell, which means that it’s easy to take it with you wherever you go.


Jupiter JTR700

Mendini MTT-30CN


+ Low Price
+ Perfect For Students
+ Quality Case
+ Stainless Steel Pistons
+ High-Grade Materials

+ Bb trumpet
+ Looks amazing
+ Affordable
+ Great for intermediate players


Jupiter has been around for decades now, while its parent company is almost a century old. It makes instruments that are perfect for students, of which this B Flat trumpet is a solid example.

It is a trendy, modern-looking instrument that will certainly receive some admiring glances. The different metals look great together and would suit any millennial perfectly! Another thing we like about this trumpet is that it comes with a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty. It’s affordable so you have nothing to lose.

Want to find out more?

Check out Music Critic's in-depth article Top 10 Best Trumpet Brands which includes even more information.

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