
Side-by-side comparison

See how the Yamaha SV130SBL Concert stacks up against the DZStrad E201 in today's product comparison. Find out what separates these two items with the full comparison review below. This article is part of a series called Top 10 Best Electric Violins

 Yamaha SV130SBL ConcertEveryone has different preferences and priorities, so to make choosing easier we have attempted to give a frank review of the products. Let's start with the Yamaha SV130SBL Concert.

 DZStrad E201Next let's have a look at the DZStrad E201. Next up is an eye-catching electric violin from DZ Strad. It's a crowd-pleaser that does exactly what you want it to without any unwanted frills which would only push up the price. The sound is good too, and it's also been manufactured to a high level, so you can expect it to perform for a long time without any issues.

Taking a look at the features of the DZStrad E201

It is available with either four or five strings. For violinists who want to be able to experiment with lower notes and explore new tonal possibilities, then a five-stringer is an excellent choice, in our opinion.


Yamaha SV130SBL Concert

DZStrad E201


+ Excellent sound quality
+ Adjustable reverb
+ Good-looking

+ Four- or five-stringed versions
+ Everything you need is included
+ Looks awesome
+ Great sound


We liked this instrument a lot. It’s hard to find anything to complain about. It does exactly what it says on the box. One of the most impressive elements about it is the reverb feature. Everything you need to play it is included except for a bow, which can be purchases seperately for an affordable price.

This is a high-quality violin that both looks and sounds great. Everything you need to get started is included. The only downside to this violin is that it’s only available in blue, which isn't a big disadvantage, as we think the blue perfectly suits this instrument. The ability to choose between either four or five strings is handy too, we think, as experimenting with a five-stringer is a good option for intermediate to advanced violinists. If you have oftentimes found yourself improvising and have wanted to play a note below G, then a five-stringer is ideal as it will unlock new possibilities for your playing.

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