
1 vs 1 Comparison

In this comparison we put the Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear and Mpow Jaws Gen-3 Bluetooth Headphones head to head in a battle to find out which wins the specifications war. Not sure which is right for you? With so many great options on the market that's hardly surprising, so read on and see if we can help you reach a decision. If you would like to see more product comparisons and reviews in this category, click here.

 Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over EarEveryone has different preferences, and we hope our frank reviews will make your decision easier. First, we will take a look at the Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear.

 Mpow Jaws Gen-3 Bluetooth HeadphonesNext up is the Mpow Jaws Gen-3 Bluetooth Headphones.


Mpow 059 Bluetooth Headphones Over Ear

Mpow Jaws Gen-3 Bluetooth Headphones


+ Folding compact design.
+ Closed back.
+ Overhead option.
+ Skin-friendly.
+ Scratch resistant.

+ In-ear option.
+ User friendly controls.
+ High-def audio and voice calls.
+ Accessible price.
+ Free carry case.


We like their design concept they seem very well thought out and executed, they come in a range of trendy colors and they are cheaper than before because Mpow released a next-gen edition so you get better value for money.

They are extremely lightweight and comfortable to wear, they slip effortlessly in and out you don't have to worry about putting them away between listening.

Discover more

Check out Music Critic's in-depth article 10 Best Bluetooth Headphones Under $50 in 2023 which includes even more information.

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