
Side-by-side comparison of the Edifier R1280T and the Alpatronix AX440

Today's product comparison has Music Critic comparing the Edifier R1280T to the Alpatronix AX440. The Music Critic reviews can help point you towards models and brands that suit your needs. If you would like to see more product comparisons from the same category, click here.

 Edifier R1280TLet's get started by taking a close look at the Edifier R1280T.

 Alpatronix AX440And now we will have a look at our second product, the Alpatronix AX440.


Edifier R1280T

Alpatronix AX440


+ Expertly engineered, reflexive ported enclosures
+ Dual inputs
+ Affordable price-tag

+ High-end, Bluetooth speaker
+ Premium sound
+ Easy pairing
+ Good battery life


They're affordable speakers that far outperform their price tag. They have lots of premium features, including a durable build and EQ controls. When it comes to value for money, they're hard to beat, in our opinion.

The in-built subwoofers mean that this little speaker delivers powerful bass that belies its small size. We were impressed by the battery life, as well as how stable the Bluetooth 4.1 connection was. It's a pricy speaker, but it's worth every single cent, in our opinion.

Would you like to know more?

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