
Side-by-side comparison of the Mpow 059 Bluetooth and the SoundPEATS Bluetooth

In today's comparison we invite you to see how the Mpow 059 Bluetooth stacks up against the SoundPEATS Bluetooth. Not sure which is right for you? With so many great options on the market that's hardly surprising, so read on and see if we can help you reach a decision. For more information and product comparisons, check out our longer article here.

 Mpow 059 BluetoothEveryone has different preferences, and we hope our frank reviews will make your decision easier. First, we will take a look at the Mpow 059 Bluetooth.

 SoundPEATS BluetoothThe second product we will be examining in this comparison is the SoundPEATS Bluetooth.


Mpow 059 Bluetooth

SoundPEATS Bluetooth


+ Foldable Design
+ Can Use Wired
+ Excellent Battery Life

+ Stable Connection
+ 3.5-Hours of Playtime/Charge
+ Lightweight
+ Multiple Ear Tips Included


We find it impressive that you can use these headphones wirelessly or wired. You will never need to worry about your battery dying in the middle of an excellent music session. Simply plug them in until you're done and then allow them to charge.

When you look at headphone type, in-ear products are some of the most sought-after. You do not have to worry over them becoming uncomfortable with extended wear. Additionally, these headphones offer multiple ear tips that are best when searching for the perfect fit.

Read our full review

Music Critic did a post with even more information on this topic. Click here to see it.

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