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You'll Have to Lose Something by Spirit of the Beehive

Spirit of the Beehive

You'll Have to Lose Something

Release Date: Aug 23, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock, Experimental Rock, Noise Pop, Neo-Psychedelia

Record label: Saddle Creek Records


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Album Review: You'll Have to Lose Something by Spirit of the Beehive

Average, Based on 3 Critics

The Line of Best Fit - 70
Based on rating 7/10

Saying this, YOU'LL HAVE TO LOSE SOMETHING is by far the band's most straightforward record. This isn't to say however they have lost what makes them one of the most progressive bands around; sonic textures still overlay collages of obscure samples, whilst the method of individual members writing separate streams of consciousness verses before coming together to record still creates enviable levels of lyrical surrealism. Fear not, SPIRIT fans; songs still play like a bonkers roller coaster ride, with more twists and turns in sound than most bands will explore over their entire careers.

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The Skinny - 60
Based on rating 3/5

If you've listened to SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE for more than a minute their defining style makes itself very clear. Songs assembled from a steady stream of left turns, a constant upending of what has come before it. When it works well on the record it's sublime, these snapshots sculpting little scenes, feeding just enough to intrigue but remain elusive.

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PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

Emerging in 2014 with their self-titled debut, Spirit of the Beehive established themselves as exemplary curators, collagists, and synthesists, drawing from psychedelic rock, metal, post-punk, and the industrial palette. With 2021’s Entertainment, Death and the 2023 EP, I’m So Lucky, the band continued to mine myriad sounds and approaches, though their melodies reflected a newfound, albeit understated, pop sensibility. With their latest album, You’ll Have to Lose Something, the group continue on this trajectory, offering some of their most rangy yet integrated material, each track toying with a notable balance between sonic exploration and hook-leaning songcraft.

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