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Delusions of Grand Fur by Rogue Wave

Rogue Wave

Delusions of Grand Fur

Release Date: Apr 29, 2016

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock, Indie Pop

Record label: Easy Sound Recording Company


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Album Review: Delusions of Grand Fur by Rogue Wave

Very Good, Based on 5 Critics

PopMatters - 80
Based on rating 8/10

It’s refreshing when a group with as long a history as Rogue Wave are willing to continue exploring uncharted territory on their new releases. The Californian four-piece certainly fit this bill on their sixth album, Delusions of Grand Fur. In a small way, the wit of the album title’s pun prepares us for the upbeat sharpness of the record as a whole.

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Under The Radar - 75
Based on rating 7.5/10

Three years after 2013's sparser, more tentative Nightingale Floors, Rogue Wave come roaring back with an album that reasserts them as major, albeit under-recognized, players in the world of 21st century indie rock. Core members Zach Rogue (singer/songwriter/guitarist) and drummer Pat Spurgeon decided to record and produce this album themselves, and the result is their best work since 2007's Asleep at Heaven's Gate. .

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AllMusic - 70
Based on rating 7/10

On LP six, Rogue Wave pick up where they left off on 2013's Nightingale Floors, blending bedroom warmth with rock-club synth pop on Delusions of Grand Fur. Though the album doesn't mark a conspicuous change in direction for the band, it does branch into the trippy ("Take It Slow," "The Last Picture Show") and the new wave-resurrecting ("What Is Left to Solve" and "Ocean"), with leader Zach Rogue calling the record "the trajectory I've always wanted for this band. " Delusions of Grand Fur was notably home-recorded and produced by core members Rogue and Patrick Spurgeon, their first endeavor in unaided production dating back to the cozy lo-fi of Rogue Wave's 2003 debut, Out of the Shadow.

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Consequence of Sound - 58
Based on rating C+

Six albums and 12 years in, Delusions of Grand Fur finds Rogue Wave ready to move forward with nary a direction in sight. Rogue Wave — the band best known for “Lake Michigan”, a single that lives in many iTunes libraries apart from any of its kin — have long relied on the signature combination of Rogue’s cherubic observations and shimmering guitar melodies. When the band graduated from the charming lo-fi sound of Out of the Shadow and Descended Like Vultures into the more lushly conceived sounds of Asleep at Heaven’s Gate, there was promise on the horizon.

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Pitchfork - 57
Based on rating 5.7/10

After losing his Silicon Valley job in the early-'00s dotcom bust, Zach Schwartz debuted his Rogue Wave project in 2002, during the indie-pop boom. Like his Shins-era peers, Schwartz, who goes by Zach Rogue, was a sensitive songwriter who politely aired grievances with wayward friends, reckless parents, and departed partners in a way that shone a warm light on his personal losses. It was the redemptive aspect that attracted TV music scouts, and the scouts who helped break the band.

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