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Replicant Moods by Pharaohs


Replicant Moods

Release Date: Apr 16, 2013

Genre(s): Electronic, House, Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Alternative Dance, Left-Field House, Neo-Disco

Record label: 100% Silk


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Album Review: Replicant Moods by Pharaohs

Very Good, Based on 3 Critics

Pitchfork - 75
Based on rating 7.5/10

Pharaohs plow an unwavering path through the past, taking a route through various strains of dance music that's unapologetically nostalgist in outlook. They're a four-piece band from Los Angeles, originally started by Alejandro Cohen and Samuel Cooper. It's hard to picture their debut full length, Replicant Moods, as the work of four people, mainly because it has more in common with the quiet elation of lone producers like Barcelona's John Talabot.

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AllMusic - 70
Based on rating 7/10

The L. A. -based disco/house group Pharaohs may be made up of producers, but the songs on their debut album, Replicant Moods, sound like the product of jam sessions and late nights getting sweaty on dancefloors instead of long hours spent programming.

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No Ripcord - 70
Based on rating 7/10

Listening to Los Angeles four-piece Pharaohs’ debut album reminds me of something their 100% Silk label owner Amanda Brown once said: “What I hate is when the music media applauds rock genres for being golden, like the sweet sounds of the 60s and 70s, and then trashes dance genres for being too referential of disco or house. ” It’s very true that music reviewers are ready to jump upon EDM producers for sounding dated, and perhaps there’s something illogical about that. The artists on 100% Silk (and also on its parent label, Not Not Fun) share a common aesthetic impulse in their kitschy throwbacks to “dated” styles of electronic music, and none more so than Pharaohs.

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