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With Teeth by Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails

With Teeth

Release Date: May 3, 2005

Genre(s): Rock, Alternative

Record label: Interscope


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Album Review: With Teeth by Nine Inch Nails

Fairly Good, Based on 1 Critic

AllMusic - 60
Based on rating 6/10

Quite frankly, this is the record that NIN should have released if Reznor had wanted to capitalize on the success of The Downward Spiral. It's loud and angry, doesn't skimp on hooks, and is heavy on both sexy robotic dance beats and crashing rock rhythms (some supplied by everybody's favorite drummer, Dave Grohl, but not that you'd know it from reading the CD; the chintzy packaging not only has no credits, it has no booklet) -- all things that made "Closer" an alt-rock classic. But for all the surface similarities to his past albums, there is a palpable difference in tone and approach on With Teeth.

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