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Balloonerism by Mac Miller

Mac Miller


Release Date: Jan 17, 2025

Genre(s): Rap

Record label: Warner Records


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Album Review: Balloonerism by Mac Miller

Excellent, Based on 2 Critics

The Line of Best Fit - 80
Based on rating 8/10

So, when Miller's estate announced the release of his seventh studio album Balloonerism, despite being widely speculated, fans were pleasantly surprised. Commenting on the record, his family and estate shared that, "It is a project that was of great importance to Malcolm -- to the extent that he commissioned artwork for it and discussions concerning when it should be released were had regularly, though ultimately GO:OD AM and subsequent albums ended up taking precedence. We believe the project showcases both the breadth of his musical talents and fearlessness as an artist.

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Clash Music
Opinion: Excellent

Mac Miller worked at an incredible pace. An artist who made dramatic stylistic leaps with each project, fans were left gasping at the rate of creative change - shedding his skin on every release, Mac's abilities soared on every single session. In a dose of wonderful synchronicity, 'Balloonerim' - the second visit to his vaults by the Mac Miller estate - comes exactly five years after 'Circles', the first posthumous project.

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