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All Worlds by Lust For Youth & Croatian Amor

Lust For Youth & Croatian Amor

All Worlds

Release Date: Mar 7, 2025

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Sacred Bones


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Album Review: All Worlds by Lust For Youth & Croatian Amor

Very Good, Based on 1 Critic

musicOMH.com - 70
Based on rating 3.5

Their reunion with their former bandmate plays with distance, memory, and connection, leaning into the tension between nostalgic friendship and forward momentum All Worlds feels like a message in a bottle sent from one lonely corner of the universe to another – or at the very least a transmission from the past to the present. The reunion of Lust For Youth's Hannes Norrvide and Malthe Fischer with their former bandmate Loke Rahbek, who now records as Croatian Amor, isn't a big, triumphant comeback accompanied by a large fanfare and a lucrative reunion tour. Instead, it's something hazier, more hesitant, like the three of them picking up tools after being unable to use them for a decade or so.

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