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In Triangle Time by Kelley Stoltz

Kelley Stoltz

In Triangle Time

Release Date: Nov 6, 2015

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock, Lo-Fi, Neo-Psychedelia

Record label: Castle Face


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Album Review: In Triangle Time by Kelley Stoltz

Excellent, Based on 1 Critic

AllMusic - 80
Based on rating 8/10

Sixteen years on from his debut, Kelley Stoltz is still one of the titans of psych-infused indie pop, generating new material at a rate that's inspiring in terms of both quantity and quality. After the relatively straightforward approach of 2013's Double Exposure, Stoltz's 2015 follow-up, In Triangle Time, makes room for a bit more of his playful and eccentric side, but these songs reveal that Stoltz's way with a melody and a hook is as strong as ever, and his production and arrangement conceits add much more to the songs than they take away with their sonic twists and turns. The drifting clouds of vocals on "Star Cluster," the wavy tremolo guitar on "You're Not Ice" and "Wobbly," the vintage electronics on "Jona," and the multiple Brian Wilson-isms in "Crossed Mind Blues" are splendid examples of Stoltz's gift for finding the right settings for his songs, and though he's a splendid tunesmith, on In Triangle Time that's only half the story.

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