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Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired by Joyce Manor

Joyce Manor

Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired

Release Date: Apr 3, 2012

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Revolver USA


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Album Review: Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired by Joyce Manor

Fairly Good, Based on 2 Critics

Drowned In Sound - 60
Based on rating 6/10

Alright, I’ll keep this short. Joyce Manor would probably approve, given the fleeting 13 minute albumette they’ve presented us with. Something’s definitely changed here since their first self-titled album, released last year. It’s all got cleaner, sparklier, jollier. And with singer ….

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DIY Magazine
Opinion: Excellent

When a band’s debut is so refreshing that it captivates the masses who seek something new, it proves to be a double-edged sword when the next record rolls around. Case in point: Joyce Manor’s eponymous record, considered to be a highlight in the mass of releases spanning 2011. Opting to tackle quality over quantity with their sophomore offering ‘Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired’, their challenge is proving in a mere thirteen minutes that they can consistently produce something wonderful.At face value it’s good; after a few more listens it’s brilliant.

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