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John & Jehn by John & Jehn

John & Jehn

John & Jehn

Release Date: May 5, 2008

Genre(s): Rock, Pop

Record label: Universal


Music Critic Score

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Album Review: John & Jehn by John & Jehn

Fairly Good, Based on 1 Critic

The Guardian - 60
Based on rating 3/5

The potted biography that came with this French duo's debut seems designed to put off as many people as possible. (John is "all brooding, chiselled cheekbones", Jehn is "a beguiling mix of clumsy energy and incredible beauty", and the two are "very much in love", which is more than enough information, thanks.) However, the record is reassuringly free of goo. Divided into Side John and Side Jehn - the former is heavy on the ramshackle art-rock, the latter on poppier confections with actual choruses - it makes "love" seem like a seedy state of affairs.

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