Home > Indie > jj n 2
jj n 2 by jj


jj n 2

Release Date: Jul 1, 2009

Genre(s): Indie, Pop, Electronic

Record label: Sincerely Yours


Music Critic Score

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Album Review: jj n 2 by jj

Excellent, Based on 3 Critics

Pitchfork - 86
Based on rating 8.6/10

0101, 0103, 0107, 0108, 0113, and 0115. Since all jj choose to show of themselves is their music, video, and occasional blood-spattered merch, then those Sincerely Yours catalogue numbers represent the sum total of what we know about them. Hell, we wouldn't even know jj were a "them" had the group's Gothenburg, Sweden-based, Tough Alliance-owned label not confirmed that.

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No Ripcord - 80
Based on rating 8/10

There are plenty of albums that are easy on the ears, but most of them slip by and go in one ear and out the other; they are perfectly pleasant and enjoyable, but endlessly forgettable. There is, however, that rare album that goes down easy and stays there. The one that sticks and makes you want to go back for more. jj’s n° 2 is sticking with me to the point that I had a dream about it the other night (though that may not be saying much - I had one the previous night where I was at a Muse concert where they played nothing but Rage Against The Machine covers, and I haven’t listened to either in months).

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PopMatters - 80
Based on rating 8/10

Thanks to the sudden advancement of bands like Studio and the Tough Alliance, and labels like Sincerely Yours, Sweden has summarily become the new Iceland. What do I mean by that? Recall a time not terribly long ago when Iceland could do no wrong, when the country’s heavy hitters were making American hearts explode with majestic, pristine music that seemed to speak volumes about the patch of earth from which it came. For those of us who had never seen Iceland for ourselves, this idealization was all we had to go on.

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