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There Is No Other... by Isobel Campbell

Isobel Campbell

There Is No Other...

Release Date: Feb 7, 2020

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Cooking Vinyl


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Album Review: There Is No Other... by Isobel Campbell

Great, Based on 1 Critic

Pitchfork - 76
Based on rating 7.6/10

Twelve months ago you would have gotten long odds on Isobel Campbell returning in 2020 with an album of dashing, adventurous, and even rather funky indie pop. The former Belle and Sebastian singer may have scuffed up her musical palette in the 2000s with a trio of releases alongside onetime Screaming Tree Mark Lanegan, but she nevertheless remained frozen in the public eye as the ethereal voice of cardigan indie, an impression hardly helped by the two so-gentle-they're-almost-not-there albums she recorded as the Gentle Waves. But Los Angeles, where Campbell now lives, loves a comeback, particularly one as unlikely and triumphant as There Is No Other, Campbell's first solo album in 14 years and among the best things she has put her name to since leaving Belle and Sebastian.

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