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Isaac Gracie by Isaac Gracie

Isaac Gracie

Isaac Gracie

Release Date: Apr 20, 2018

Genre(s): Singer-Songwriter

Record label: Virgin EMI


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Album Review: Isaac Gracie by Isaac Gracie

Fairly Good, Based on 2 Critics

DIY Magazine - 60
Based on rating 3/5

Isaac Gracie's ascent has been supersonic. Three years ago as a student he uploaded a rough demo to Soundcloud, sparking a fire that now burns fiercely. Dusky and despondent, it laid the groundwork for an EP of more bedroom recordings, and instantly perked up the ears of pretty much every label scout in the country. Cut to 2018 and his full-length debut feels split between the raw, authenticity of those early demos, and an overly glossed-up pop product.

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Clash Music
Opinion: Fairly Good

Ealing songwriting prodigy Isaac Gracie has already been compared to the likes of Leonard Cohen and Jeff Buckley and now, his heavily anticipated debut is finally here. Signed to Virgin EMI, his self-titled record may not fully deliver on the promise of earlier releases but it's anchored by some stunning tracks. 'Last Words' is a gorgeous, bare bones country-tinged ballad while 'The Death Of You And I' quickly escalates from swaying blues to a thrilling heavy rock piece.

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