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Another Day by Fucked Up

Fucked Up

Another Day

Release Date: Aug 9, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock

Record label: Fucked Up


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Album Review: Another Day by Fucked Up

Satisfactory, Based on 3 Critics

The Line of Best Fit - 80
Based on rating 8/10

The music is often buoyant and sparkling, but with the rough edge of screamed vocals. They emerged from a hardcore punk background, but found some of their greatest success in sprawling, 90 minute long concept albums. Frontman Damien Abraham has a look and voice to inspire fear, but out of the studio he's an avuncular podcaster who likes nothing more than chatting music with his pals.

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musicOMH.com - 80
Based on rating 4

This companion piece to One Day sports songs which are direct, punchy, catchy and anthemic, injected with palpable passion that pours out of the speakers Fucked Up never really do anything by halves. On the surface, they might seem to be a fairly straightforward punk band, but spend some time picking through their impressive back catalogue and the sheer scope of their vision becomes almost overwhelming. They’re working their way through a series of 12″ singles dedicated to the signs of the zodiac.

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PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

Last year’s stellar Fucked Up release One Day turned out to be just the type of revitalization they needed, a concise blast of catchy hardcore balancing the state of the world and the state of domestic life. About a year and a half later, we get Another Day. While it wasn’t created under the same circumstances, it is nearly its predecessor’s equal, exuding a similar positive energy.

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