
Select and Compare: QSC K8 2-Way Powered Speaker - 1000 Watts to the Yamaha DBR10 700-Watt Powered Speaker

Today's product comparison has Music Critic comparing the QSC K8 2-Way Powered Speaker - 1000 Watts to the Yamaha DBR10 700-Watt Powered Speaker. The team take this task very seriously - two products enter, but only one can leave. If you enjoy this article, you can also check out the full version here.

 QSC K8 2-Way Powered Speaker - 1000 WattsContestant number one is the QSC K8 2-Way Powered Speaker - 1000 Watts.

 Yamaha DBR10 700-Watt Powered SpeakerNext up is the Yamaha DBR10 700-Watt Powered Speaker.


QSC K8 2-Way Powered Speaker - 1000 Watts

Yamaha DBR10 700-Watt Powered Speaker


+ High Quality
+ Balanced sound
+ Lightweight

+ Good value for money
+ Portable
+ 50 degree angle


It is powerful and portable so good for those who are always on the go. It is a pain to carry those giant speakers anywhere when you need high volumes of audio so these provide a viable and convenient solution and deliver enough power.

Not only is the Yamaha DBR10 affordable it is a very safe purchase as well thanks to its 7 years long warranty. That is a great offer and goes to show that you have nothing to worry about its durability.

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