
How do they stack up? The COWIN E7 Active Noise Canceling Headphones vs the SENSO Bluetooth Headphones, Best Wireless

Music Critic review products for professionals and enthusiasts, and are designed to help making a choice easier. Not sure which is right for you? With so many great options on the market that's hardly surprising, so read on and see if we can help you reach a decision. This product comparison article is just one in a series titled Best Wireless Headphones Under $100 in 2023

 COWIN E7 Active Noise Canceling HeadphonesLet's get started by taking a close look at the COWIN E7 Active Noise Canceling Headphones.

 SENSO Bluetooth Headphones, Best WirelessNext let's have a look at the SENSO Bluetooth Headphones, Best Wireless.


COWIN E7 Active Noise Canceling Headphones

SENSO Bluetooth Headphones, Best Wireless


+ Effective decibel reduction.
+ Large aperture drivers.
+ 30 hours battery.
+ Older model with a price reduction.

+ Secure over ear hooks and anti-slip skirts.
+ High-performance drivers.
+ IPX-7 certified.
+ Great Active Noise Cancellation.
+ Capable battery.


They perform very well and the audio is impressive, they run for extensive periods between charges and the collapsible design is pretty robust, though we would say their chunky buttons are probably one of their weaker points.

They feature a foolproof design to keep them in prime listening position, they are well-made the audio is well-balanced and the noise cancellation is very effective too.

The Bottom Line

You may also be interested in our article Best Wireless Headphones Under $100 in 2023.

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