
Side-by-side comparison

See how the Fender Tex-Mex Telecaster Single-Coil Pickups stacks up against the Fender Pure Vintage Reissue Telecaster Pickups in today's product comparison. You might think it all comes down to the price, but frankly there is a lot more to it. You might also be interested in our article 10 Best Telecaster Pickups in 2024

 Fender Tex-Mex Telecaster Single-Coil PickupsLet's get started by taking a close look at the Fender Tex-Mex Telecaster Single-Coil Pickups.

 Fender Pure Vintage Reissue Telecaster PickupsAnd now we will have a look at our second product, the Fender Pure Vintage Reissue Telecaster Pickups.


Fender Tex-Mex Telecaster Single-Coil Pickups

Fender Pure Vintage Reissue Telecaster Pickups


+ Overwound
+ Alnico V magnets
+ Suitable for more overdrive
+ Clear and deep tone
- Not sensationally different sound quality

+ Vintage sound
+ Cloth wrap
+ Precisely wound
+ Limited hum
- More expensive


For the times when you need to turn up a little bit more and keep the feedback down, these tele Tex-Mex pickups are going to help you out. They'll give you a clear and decisive tone with more drive and character.

The vintage reissue pickups are some of the best type of telecaster pickups you'll find. They have an unhindered tone that screams and pops through the amp. They will take your tele guitar sound to the next level.

Want to find out more?

You may also be interested in our article 10 Best Telecaster Pickups in 2024.

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