
How do they stack up? The Noot K11 Kids Headphones vs the Ailihen MS300

Music Critic review products for everyone, from professionals to enthusiasts, and are written in plain English to make it easier to understand the options available and decide between them. There is a lot more to this sort of decision than price, so we see if we can help you decide which is best for your needs. This product comparison article is just one in a series titled 10 Best Headphones For Kids in 2023

 Noot K11 Kids HeadphonesFirst, let's have a look at the Noot K11 Kids Headphones.

 Ailihen MS300The challenger is the Ailihen MS300.


Noot K11 Kids Headphones

Ailihen MS300


+ Adjustable
+ Very comfortable
+ Good sound quality
+ Foldable

+ Slick design
+ Sweatproof
+ Resonant Sound
+ Fits many ages
+ Breathable ear cushions


These are the best kids headphones for any child, even if they're not fans of having headphones on their head. This is because they're really lightweight and comfortable. They are capable of blocking outside noise out so kids are able to focus a little more if they're watching educational videos or if they need some help focusing. We're very impressed with the K11s.

We like the headphones made by Ailihen because of their simplicity and quality - they match the quality of big-name brands, such as Puro Sound Labs BT2200. They don’t look like typical kids headphones. If your kids like to have more of a grown-up look, which can happen as they get older, they'll prefer this style. That way you won’t have to replace them as your child gets older.

Want to find out more?

Check out Music Critic's in-depth article 10 Best Headphones For Kids in 2023 which includes even more information.

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