
Battle Royale: Comparing the Sawtooth ST-AMP-10-KIT to the Orange Amps Electric

In this comparison we put the Sawtooth ST-AMP-10-KIT and Orange Amps Electric head to head in a battle to find out which wins the specifications war. Not sure which is right for you? Read on and find the perfect item for your needs. If you would like to see more product comparisons from the same category, click here.

 Sawtooth ST-AMP-10-KITContestant number one is the Sawtooth ST-AMP-10-KIT.

 Orange Amps ElectricAnd now we will have a look at our second product, the Orange Amps Electric.


Sawtooth ST-AMP-10-KIT

Orange Amps Electric


+ lightweight and portable
+ Affordable
+ 3-band EQ
+ 2 Channel switch
+ Simplicity in design

+ Lightweight and durable
+ Great sound quality
+ Good power
+ Overdrive and clean tones
+ Affordable


These guitar amplifiers are designed to be practiced around the house. Don't expect to get breathtaking tones out of it, but it will broadcast your playing clearly so you can exercise properly.

Many guitar players dream of working with an Orange built amp. Orange Crush 12 is an excellent beginner option for practice use and is perfectly affordable and user-friendly.

Would you like to know more?

Music Critic did a post with even more information on this topic. Click here to see it.

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