
1 vs 1 Comparison

We take a look at two popular items, the Anker Wireless Headphones Spirit X and the LETSCOM Bluetooth. There is a lot more to this sort of decision than price, so we see if we can help you decide which is best for your needs. Click here if you would like to see more product reviews in the same category.

 Anker Wireless Headphones Spirit XEveryone has different preferences and priorities, so to make choosing easier we have attempted to give a frank review of the products. Let's start with the Anker Wireless Headphones Spirit X.

 LETSCOM BluetoothNow we will have look at an alternative, the LETSCOM Bluetooth.


Anker Wireless Headphones Spirit X

LETSCOM Bluetooth


+ Rugged build.
+ Wireless earbuds design.
+ Flexible over-ear hooks.
+ Waterproof

+ Comfortable to wear.
+ Bluetooth capable.
+ IPX7 certification.
+ Low price.


The best cheap wireless headphones will be extremely well crafted and stay securely in place. That's exactly what these earbuds do. Also, the bass has great presence. All in all, they're an impressive option.

These cheap wireless headphones are an awesome choice for sportier types. They're strong competition for many of the similarly designed best budget headphone sets. We like their bright, unique color, making them best for someone who wants to show off their style.

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Check out Music Critic's in-depth reviews which includes these two plus other potential contenders.

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