
How do they stack up? The Gretsch G9520E Gin Rickey Acoustic/Electric Smokestack vs the Fender FA-115

Trying to decide between two models? Our tests and reviews can help point you towards models and brands that suit your needs. This product comparison article is just one in a series titled 7 Best Cheap Acoustic Guitars in 2024

 Gretsch G9520E Gin Rickey Acoustic/Electric SmokestackLet's get started by taking a close look at the Gretsch G9520E Gin Rickey Acoustic/Electric Smokestack.

 Fender FA-115The challenger is the Fender FA-115.

Reasons to buy the Fender FA-115

This is another excellent Fender guitar that's an upgrade version of the one that we previously looked at. Just like that model, this one comes as part of a bundle, which includes everything that a newbie guitarist might want.


Gretsch G9520E Gin Rickey Acoustic/Electric Smokestack

Fender FA-115


+ It seems more expensive than it is
+ Stunning design
+ Acoustic and electric
+ Static-free pickup

+ Low price
+ Bundle
+ Solid top


We really love the design. For a cheap guitar, it certainly doesn’t look like it. A lot of work and care has clearly gone into the design of this guitar.

It's another superb Fender product that delivers exceptional value for money. We were particularly impressed by its looks, as we think the sunburst design is quite something. The sound is great too, but that's what we'd expect from Fender. The fact that it comes with lots of handy extras, such as a stand and case, also adds to the great value that it offers.

Read the complete review

Check out Music Critic's in-depth reviews which includes these two plus other potential contenders.

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