
Side-by-side comparison of the GoPlus Electric Bass and the Ibanez Talman TMB100 MGR 2015

See how the GoPlus Electric Bass stacks up against the Ibanez Talman TMB100 MGR 2015 in today's product comparison. Find out what separates these two items with the full comparison review below. You might also be interested in our article 10 Best Beginner Bass Guitars in 2023

 GoPlus Electric BassThe first product we will be looking at is the GoPlus Electric Bass.

 Ibanez Talman TMB100 MGR 2015And now we will have a look at our second product, the Ibanez Talman TMB100 MGR 2015.


GoPlus Electric Bass

Ibanez Talman TMB100 MGR 2015


+ Looks great
+ Deep, warm sound
+ Included accessories
+ Professional set-up

+ Wide neck
+ Vintage Ibanez classic shape
+ Deep/big sound
+ 2-Band EQ
+ Comes ready to play


For a beginner bass, this one sounds amazing and looks great. It is inexpensive and comes with everything you need to get started. You can plug right in and jam with your friends. The sound is notable and you will be pleased with this classic looking bass guitar.

When this beginner bass comes out of the box, it immediately surprises with how big the sound is. It looks great and feels more like the chunky bass you may expect. This bass looks fantastic with a real retro feel to it.

The Bottom Line

Check out Music Critic's in-depth reviews which includes these two plus other potential contenders.

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