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The Gloss by Cola


The Gloss

Release Date: Jun 14, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock, New Wave/Post-Punk Revival, Noise-Rock, Punk Revival, Pop Punk

Record label: Fire Talk


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Album Review: The Gloss by Cola

Exceptionally Good, Based on 2 Critics

Under The Radar - 85
Based on rating 8.5/10

Cola recently played at the Ramsgate Music Hall here on the Kentish Coast of England. The seaside side-street building mirrors the band's minimalist, motorik rock well: it's a small space with a big sound, unassuming and alluring, friendly and understated--the kind of place you want to return to again and again in search of further musical treasures. On their second record, The Gloss, Cola continue the delicate path of their 2022 debut, Deep In View.

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DIY Magazine
Opinion: Excellent

Tags: Cola, Reviews, Album Reviews.

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