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Halo On The Inside by Circuit des Yeux

Circuit des Yeux

Halo On The Inside

Release Date: Mar 14, 2025

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock

Record label: Matador


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Album Review: Halo On The Inside by Circuit des Yeux

Acceptable, Based on 3 Critics

musicOMH.com - 100
Based on rating 5

Haley Fohr’s latest is rawer, more physical, an almost visceral exercise in self-discovery and emotional struggle Halo On The Inside by Circuit des Yeux (aka CdY, aka Haley Fohr) is a disorienting departure from much of her earlier work. Where albums like Reaching For Indigo were atmospheric and expansive, this one is rawer, more physical – an almost visceral exercise in self-discovery and emotional struggle. The emphasis in much of the press material is as much about where the recording of the album took place – during eight months in isolation in a basement Chicago – as it is about the noises coming out of it.

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PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

With 2017’s Reaching for Indigo, Haley Fohr, aka Circuit des Yeux, showcased her compositional savvy, crossing folk and avant-garde leanings. The album also spotlighted her voice in a way that previous projects hadn’t, her emotional and technical range on glorious display. 2020’s Jacqueline (released under her Jackie Lynn moniker) captured Fohr steering a rawer sound while adopting an edgy and punk-informed swagger.

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The Quietus
Opinion: Excellent

"Enter the room of nothing / Enter the room of me," sings Haley Fohr on 'Skeleton Key', backed by the buzz of organ and electric guitar. She towers above, her voice theatrical and macabre, a quality that's always been there in her contralto delivery, but never as bombastic. That room could be the basement studio in Chicago where Halo on the Inside first took shape.

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