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Hexed by Children of Bodom

Children of Bodom


Release Date: Mar 8, 2019

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Speed/Thrash Metal, Technical Death Metal

Record label: Nuclear Blast


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Album Review: Hexed by Children of Bodom

Fairly Good, Based on 1 Critic

Exclaim - 60
Based on rating 6/10

With their best years long past, there are no expectations that Children of Bodom will release another timeless classic like Follow the Reaper or Hate Crew Deathroll. That being said, the group will forever be touted as one of melo-death's best, and have consistently delivered a handful of absolute bangers per release. Hexed does not deviate from fan expectations, and offers some of Bodom's best and most memorable songs in recent years.   Since 2005's Are You Dead Yet?, each subsequent release — while offering a mixed bag of hits and ….

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