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My Light, My Destroyer by Cassandra Jenkins

Cassandra Jenkins

My Light, My Destroyer

Release Date: Jul 12, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Dead Oceans


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Album Review: My Light, My Destroyer by Cassandra Jenkins

Excellent, Based on 2 Critics

Sputnikmusic - 80
Based on rating 4.0/5

Knocked on every door, until one opened Looking back, Cassandra Jenkins' An Overview On Phenomenal Nature was one of 2021's standout records. Marking a significant advance from her already lovely little debut record released four years prior, it revealed an artist truly coming into her own - its New Age-y take on shimmering ambient pop emerging fully-formed, mourning the loss of Jenkins' tour mate David Berman through a string of thoughtfully philosophical songs anchored by one of the most transcendent tunes of the century so far ("Hard Drive"). Given all that, it came as quite the surprise to me to learn, while reading the promotional materials for the artist's third album, that Jenkins had originally intended to close out her musical career following her sophomore effort.

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Clash Music
Opinion: Excellent

For those who discovered Cassandra Jenkins via her breakthrough second album, 'An Overview on Phenomenal Nature' – a slow-burning, lockdown comfort blanket of a record – My Light, My Destroyer' is everything that could be hoped for in a follow-up. In short, it inhabits the same sonic universe and offers some familiar lyrical themes, but is sufficiently different to feel like another convincing step on the path of a significant artist building a substantial catalogue. Like its predecessor, 'My Light, My Destroyer', is a short album at less than 37 minutes, but one on which nothing is superfluous and barely a note is out of place.

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