
Side-by-side comparison of the Korg MS20 Mini Semi-Modular Analog Synthesizer and the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer

See how the Korg MS20 Mini Semi-Modular Analog Synthesizer stacks up against the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer in today's product comparison. Not sure which is right for you? With so many great options on the market that's hardly surprising, so read on and see if we can help you reach a decision. For more information and product comparisons, check out our longer article here.

 Korg MS20 Mini Semi-Modular Analog SynthesizerFirst, let's have a look at the Korg MS20 Mini Semi-Modular Analog Synthesizer.

 Arturia MicroBrute Analog SynthesizerThe second product we will be examining in this comparison is the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer. Some people call this synthesizer the younger brother of the iconic MiniBrute synthesizer. Although the size of this synthesizer is compact, it actually houses that pure analog sound you'll find in some of the high-end large models.


Korg MS20 Mini Semi-Modular Analog Synthesizer

Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer


+ Equipped with self-oscillating high-pass/low-pass filters capable of distinctive distortion.

+ Compact and highly portable.

+ Comes with USB MIDI plus 5-PIN MIDI.

+ The External Signal Processor (ESP) utilizes the volume of the external audio source.

+ The oscillator design of this synthesizer is the same as the MiniBrute, famous for its high-quality synth.

+ Equipped with Arthuria’s wave-shapers, for producing complex distortion synthesis with ease.

+ Comes with audio input for external signal processing.

+ Has a 25 minikey keyboard.

+ MIDI input for connecting all your music gear.


With the Korg MS20 Mini Semi-Modular Analog Synthesizer, the best just got better. Now more compact, you can use it anywhere you want to with ease

If we're talking about price to performance ratio, no other synthesizer can beat the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer, giving it a well-earned spot on our list. It's arguably one of the smallest modern synthesizers – but small in size only. The sound that comes out of this little guy is massive.

Read the complete review

Also see Music Critic's article Best Synthesizer Review of 2023 - Analog and Keys which includes even more information.

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