
1 on 1 Testing

Trying to decide between two models? The team take this task very seriously - two products enter, but only one can leave. If you enjoy this article, you can also check out the full version here.

 Roy Benson MOD.PT-302The first product we will be looking at is the Roy Benson MOD.PT-302.

 Queen BrassAnd now we will have a look at our second product, the Queen Brass.

Taking a look at the features of the Roy Benson MOD.PT-302

Next up a tiny 9.1-inch trumpet with a larger than average bell measuring 4.9-inches that delivers a triumphant, clarion-like projection with rich character.

Taking a closer look at the features of the Queen Brass

This next pocket trumpet is remarkably loud for its 10.5-inch stature. It seems strongly made which is a nice surprise given it has a low price and a lighter weight to it.


Roy Benson MOD.PT-302

Queen Brass


+ Premium material choices.
+ Flawless valve design.
+ Amazing tone.

+ Easy action.
+ Accurately tuned.
+ Attractive price-tag.
+ Own mini-mute.


It is a powerfully impressive mini-horn, it is very well-manufactured and competitively priced despite sharing some features with their high-end versions.

It is pretty well-made for a low-end model, it has a bright tone with great projection is easy to play and comes with sought after accessories.

Discover more

You might also be interested in Music Critic's in-depth article on this topic, 10 Best Pocket Trumpets in 2024.

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