
Side-by-side comparison

See how the Bose QuietComfort Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphones stacks up against the Marshall Mid ANC Bluetooth Headphones in today's product comparison. You might think it all comes down to the price, but frankly there is a lot more to it. You might also be interested in our article Top 10 Best Bluetooth Headphones

 Bose QuietComfort Noise Cancelling Wireless HeadphonesLet's get started by taking a close look at the Bose QuietComfort Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphones.

 Marshall Mid ANC Bluetooth HeadphonesAnd now we will have a look at our second product, the Marshall Mid ANC Bluetooth Headphones.


Bose QuietComfort Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphones

Marshall Mid ANC Bluetooth Headphones


+ Great noise cancelling
+ Available in black and silver
+ Awesome sound
+ Control them with an app
+ 20 hours of battery life when used wireless
+ Bluetooth connectivity & headphone jack

+ High-quality
+ 30 hours battery life when used wireless
+ Foldable
+ Fantastic on-ear headphones to buy


The Bose QC35 headphones have a timeless, tasteful design that will look modern for many years to come. We really like this design, and helps these headphones to become our top pick! We can't forget to mention the outstanding audio quality, too...

The sound is of course among the best on this list, but the thing that really makes them stand out is the battery time. They will last you for over 30 hours used wireless!

Want to find out more?

You may also be interested in our article Top 10 Best Bluetooth Headphones.

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